Resilient Coasts & Wetlands

Wetlands are among the most carbon-dense and biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, with habitat for up to 40% of all species. Over half of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since 1900.

Wetlands occupy only 4% of all land, but are disappearing at rates three times faster than forests, with up to 25% of all wetland plant and animal species at risk of extinction.

Coastal wetlands serve as buffers against coastal flooding, provide essential nurseries for fish, and store carbon in their inundated soils for thousands of years if left undisturbed. 47% of coastal wetlands have been lost.

Coastal wetlands serve as buffers against coastal flooding, provide essential nurseries for fish, and store carbon in their inundated soils for thousands of years if left undisturbed. 47% of coastal wetlands have been lost.

Protecting and restoring wetlands can reduce and absorb up to 5% of climate emissions, make our coasts more resilient to rising seas, and prevent the loss of rare and essential habitats.

Protecting wetlands can prevent the loss of biodiverse habitats, endangered species, and our best natural flooding and erosion control, while keeping our most carbon-rich soils intact.

Restoring coastal wetlands can provide natural barriers against storms and rising seas, reducing risks of coastal flooding and erosion while providing sanctuaries for threatened species.

Restoring coastal wetlands can provide natural barriers against storms and rising seas, reducing risks of coastal flooding and erosion while providing sanctuaries for threatened species.