Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge

1980 CEAlaska

"The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska is a coastal plain covering the delta of Alaska’s two largest rivers—the Yukon and Kuskokwim—and extending to the Bering Sea, incorporating some nearby volcanic islands. The refuge is rich in wildlife and supports one of the largest concentrations of waterbirds in the world. The narrow strip of coast is the most productive goose nesting habitat in Alaska, while the drier uplands are inhabited by brown and black bears, caribou, moose, wolves, coyote, lynx and musk oxen. The refuge is also home to around 25,000 Yup’ik Eskimos living in village settlements on a subsistence lifestyle."

Source: “World’s Largest National Parks: The Top 15 Parks by Size.” 2019. Safarisafricana.Com. August 27, 2019. https://safarisafricana.com/largest-national-parks-in-the-world/.

Image Source: Hazen Bay, Yukon Delta, Creative Commons via Pixnio https://pixnio.com/nature-landscapes/national-parks-reserves/hazen-bay-on-the-yukon-delta-refuge