What Has Returned

Personal memory by Rodriguez Perez Hernandez

1984Sumidero Canyon, Chiapas, Mexico

“Things are not missing — they have come back.”He replied that he was born in Chiapas in 1984. In 1986 the canyon was turned into a national park. What he has seen come back since he was a boy — because the park is now protected — includes crocodiles (which used to be hunted), river otters, spider monkeys, and many, many birds.The black vultures have always been there—but the cormorants, snowy egrets, white and grey herons and many other birds have come back in his lifetime.But what is terrible is the plastic and garbage — at times the river is full of garbage. The river was damned and since then the river is passable by boats and is a great haven for wildlife. But the garbage that people throw in the water and that comes from further upstream is terrible.

Maya Lin, Global Residency Program

Creative Time / Rockefeller Foundation