The Sun Penetrates The Dryness Of My Surroundings

Personal memory by Robin

2020 CEEmsland, Deutschland

"Year after year it is getting hotter, dryer. Life on the countryside means to be surrounded by dust from the fields. Every year there is less rain. Or too much in the winter. I look at the trees surrounding our house, why are they blossoming later than usual? It is a hot summer again. People are trying to keep their precious grass fields green, but they fail. Cycling across the street and you see a brown patch of garden after another one. The conifers orderly placed in gardens are dying one by one. People are annoyed by this and are cutting them down. The garden is getting empty and silent."

Image: Papenburger via Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)