The Magic Of The Coqui's Song

Personal memory by Victor Martinez

2016Puerto Rico

Whether playing dominoes, eating good food, or viewing the luxury of its mountainous beauty, the Island of Enchantment, which is most commonly known as Puerto Rico, always has something to remember. One of my favorite memories to always reminisce about is the sound of our native frog, the Coqui. At night, when there is no better sound to fall asleep to, this peaceful sound it makes acts like a sleeping aid but that only works if you're used to having it around for many people tends to bother them. I guess it's because it is it equal to or louder than the cricket. While playing dominoes with my grandfather I, used to hear them starting from 6 o'clock in the evening until the next morning and I used to say that they gave me an advantage when I played because I was so competitive, the sound would relax me. My grandfather and I, would practice in the morning and then at night was the original game we used to record scores of each game the magic of Coqui's Beautiful rhythmic song not only provides a Good night's rest but also a peaceful and relaxing sense of competitive spirit.