Tens Of Thousands Of Buffalo, W.T. Hornaday

Mid 1800's CEGreat Plains, USA

“Between the Rocky Mountains and the States lying along the Mississippi River on the west, from Minnesota to Louisiana, the whole country was one vast buffalo range, inhabited by millions of buffaloes. One could fill a volume with the records of plainsmen and pioneers who penetrated or crossed that vast region between 1800 and 1870, and were in turn surprised, astounded, and frequently dismayed by the tens of thousands of buffaloes they observed, avoided, or escaped from. They lived and moved as no other quadrupeds ever have, in great multitudes, like grand armies in review, covering scores of square miles at once.”

Source: Smithsonian Institution < https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17748/17748-h/17748-h.htm >.

Image Source: New York Public Library, Art and Picture Collection, John Mix Stanley, 1800s.