1300s CE • Tenochtitlan, Mexico City
"In the middle of the water where the cactus stands, where the eagle rises up, where the eagle screeches, where the eagle spreads his wings, where the eagle feeds, where the serpent is torn apart, where the fish fly, where the blue waters and the yellow waters join, where the water blazes up, where the feathers come to be known, among the rushes, among the reeds where the battle is joined, where the people from four directions are awaited, there they arrived, there they settled . . ."
Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc, Crónica Mexicayotl, in A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs, translated by Thelma D. Sullivan, edited byT.J. Knab (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 85-86.
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