Paradise Parrot

Extinct circa 1927 CENortheastern Australia

"Paradise parrots were first recorded by John Gould's collector John Gilbert on the Darling Downs in 1844. . . . Paradise parrots probably had few natural enemies and it is difficult to assess the effect that the spread of introduced predators (cats, rats, foxes etc.) may have had. . . . During the years preceding World War I, paradise parrots became rapidly rarer until by 1915 they appeared to be completely gone."

Errol Fuller, Extinct Birds (Ithaca, NY: Comstock Pub., 2001), 216-219.

Image: Paradise parrot (Psephotus pulcherrimus), Jerrard, C. H. H., photographed in the wild, Burnett River, Queensland, 1922, nla.pic-vn3124459,"P National Library of Australia