Majority Transition to Renewable Energy

"The world is beginning to transition to clean, renewable energy for all energy purposes. However, to avoid 1.5°C global warming, we must stop at least 80% of all energy and non-energy fossil fuels and biofuel emissions by 2030 and stop 100% no later than 2050... Transitioning to 100% WWS (wind, water, and solar) energy in 143 countries decreases energy requirements... while adding about 28.6 million more long-term, full-time jobs than are lost. A 100%-WWS-energy economy uses only about 0.65% of the 143-country land area... Thus, transitioning the world entirely from BAU energy (business as usual / fossil fuel) to clean, renewable energy should substantially reduce energy needs, reduce costs, create jobs, reduce air-pollution mortality, and reduce global warming."

Impacts of Green New Deal Energy Plans on Grid Stability, Costs, Jobs, Health, and Climate in 143 Countries. Jacobson et al. 2019.