Chile, leading in ocean conservation

2020 CEChile

"The global ocean is in peril and nations around the world must show bold leadership for its urgent protection. Chile is one of those nations . . . The Chilean government has created marine protected areas covering almost 1.5 million km2, or 40% of Chile’s waters, making it one of the few countries to have exceeded the 30% target for ocean protection recommended by scientists as a means to shore up ocean health in the face of multiple threats. Chile is one of eleven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that have created a network to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, which threatens the food security of millions . . . [and now] Chile has become one of a small but growing number of countries around the world to make its fishing vessel tracking data publicly available . . . Public sharing will help improve surveillance of Chile’s extensive offshore marine protected areas . . . Achieving well-managed, sustainable fisheries is vitally important for Chile. The country relies heavily on fisheries, and a healthy marine environment, for economic growth and local livelihoods. With over 4,000 km (2,500 miles) of shoreline, and some of the richest fishing grounds in the world off its coast, Chile is ranked globally as the eighth largest fishing nation, representing 4% of the world’s total production."

Tony Long, "Chile Shows Global Leadership On Fisheries Transparency," Global Fishing Watch, March 3, 2020.

Image: Bryan Freeman, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons