Kittlitz's Thrush (Bonin Thrush)

Extinct circa 1828 CEChichi-jima, Ogasawara Islands

"In June of 1829 F.H. von Kittlitz landed on Peel Island (Chichi-jima), the largest of the Bonin group (Ogasawara-shoto) . . . Four specimens seem to have been collected during the visit . . . It was not known whether Zoothera terrestris occurred on other islands of the group or whether it was restricted to Peel. All that can be said is that Peel was the only one on which it was ever found."

Errol Fuller, Extinct Birds (Ithaca, NY: Comstock Pub., 2001), 317-318.

Image: J.G. Keulemans, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons