Groundwater depletion accelerates worldwide

2024 CEWorldwide

"From California’s Central Valley to the croplands of Iran, groundwater depletion has accelerated over the last four decades across the world’s arid food-producing regions. In many parts of the western United States, India, Chile, Spain, Mexico and other countries, groundwater levels have been rapidly declining as water is heavily pumped to irrigate farmlands . . . Many dry regions depend more on groundwater than areas with wetter climates. And where water levels are dropping because of overpumping, the consequences can include dry wells, diminished streams and sinking ground, as well as the loss of precious water reserves that accumulated underground over centuries or thousands of years." The consequences of groundwater depletion on agriculture and food security are profound, leading to reduced crop yields and compromised soil fertility.

Ian James, "Groundwater depletion is worsening worldwide. Parts of California are suffering rapid declines," Los Angeles Times, January 25, 2024.

Matthew Parent, "Depleted Aquifers: Causes, Effects, and Solutions,", October 4, 2023.

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