China, world leader in seaweed aquaculture

2023 CEChina

China leads the world in seaweed farming, accounting for 57% of global seaweed aquaculture. "Seaweed is easy to grow, versatile, and beneficial to ocean ecosystems. Farming seaweed is an efficient way to produce highly nutritious food for a growing population. Unlike terrestrial crops, seaweed doesn’t require fertilizer, pesticides, freshwater, or land, and it grows rapidly — some marine algae can be ready to harvest in as little as six weeks. It acts as an underwater forest that absorbs carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, making it a valuable tool to fight climate change and a water purifier, while also creating new habitat for a diversity of marine life."

"Farmed Seaweed," World Wildlife Fund.

Image: Alex Berger via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic